Carbrook Golf Club

07 3287 6499

653 Beenleigh-Redland Bay Rd Carbrook Q 4130

Are you looking for a chance to play the world famous Carbrook Golf Club located in between Logan and Redland Bay which has become internationally famous for an unusual feature that is believed to the a world first? The course which features a number of man made lakes has a number of resident bull sharks that have made Carbrook Golf Club home. 

Not only will you have the chance of sighting a dorsal fin as you play some of the lake side holes, you will also play on a course that will host the 2012 Australian Girls’ Amateur Championship in April, and has also hosted a number of State Championship events.

Redesigned from the mid 1990’s the course is now one of the leading courses in the area with the Tiwdwarf greens regarded by many as some of the best surfaces you will putt on in Queensland. 

The outstanding package on offer will suit golfers of all levels, with the course design not too penal from the front tees, but will test even the best professionals from the back tees. 

There are not too many opportunities as rare as this, so don’t miss this one.!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3533.0232271687432!2d153.24963805046417!3d-27.685676982716547!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x6b916a2c58d42405%3A0x305841080017e8ac!2sCarbrook+Golf+Club!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sau!4v1478494223763

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